Happy B-Day Kitty!

* Name: Kitty White
* Birthday: November 1, 1974
* Blood type: A (Negative)
* Place of birth: Suburban London
* Height: That of five apples
* Weight: That of three shiny apples
* Good at: Baking cookies, International Studies, Making pancakes for friends, Origami, bows
* Favorite food: Apple pie made by Mama (A.K.A. mum or Mary)
* Hobbies: Traveling, music, reading, eating yummy cookies her sister Mimmy bakes, and best of all making new friends.
* Favorite word: "Friendship", "best"
* Collects: Small cute things like sweets, stars, goldfish, etc.
* Best school subjects: English, French, history, music, visual arts.
* Description: A bright and kind-hearted kitten. Very close to her twin sister Mimmy.
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